Tuesday, October 10, 2006

My reason for smiling

(10mths old)

How could i not smile with a face like this looking at me daily...

(10 1/2 mths)

Bradman has three teeth up top and one down the bottom. We were lucky enough (not) to get them all through in one week. Poor little sausage. This is only a little picture (taken with my phone) but you can see the little toothy pegs. He has a big gap between the two top ones. Is that normal? Isnt it weird to see your little darlin's with teeth?

He says "Mumma","Dad", "Bur" (bird), "Bub". We have used baby sign language with Bradman since he was very young so he can also sign "Milk", "Food" & "More". He understands but hasnt yet signed "Where", "Bird ", "Duck", "frog", "Bath", "Teddy", "Mummy & Daddy". It's an amazing thing to watch him sign and know what he wants.

I took him swimming recently and he bloody loved it! We even did some under water swimming just like Lisa used to do when she was a baby (yes Aunty Kerry, I remember you taking me to baby Lisa's swimming lessons). There are some pictures here.

He is a great sleeper. Down at 6.30 -7pm and wakes around 6.30am. This wasnt the case for a few weeks while he was sick, but other than that, he has slept those long hours since he was about 3 1/2 mths old. Do we dare have another child? Don't want to blow our luck.


In other news, Mat is currently coming 2nd in the whole of VICTORIA (11,000 + registered players) in the free National Poker League which ends next week. The competition is in every country town in Victoria. Its a free comp. You just rock up and play with chips (not money). He stands to win a few thousand for coming second and entry to the finals at Crown casino. First place there wins a trips to Vegas or Paris for two, for the world poker finals ($10mil prize). Mat doesnt see himself going that far but Im pretty proud of him.


That's all from our camp I think. I hope you are all well.


Jen said...

Hi Beck!
It's so great to hear that you are all doing well. Congrats to Mat! That's a pretty awesome accomplishment...
Bradman looks so cute with teeth! Haha. He also looks sooo happy.
Thanks for the update.

Love and poker chips,


Suzi said...

Bradman looks as happy as you did as a baby....I must did out some photos and have them scanned and do a post for your birthdays. Then you'll all be able to see likenesses between you girls and your babies.
Congradulations to Mat and fingers crossed for him

Suzi said...

God that was double dutch
I will DIG out some photos and then apparently I was talking to you and then "poof" I was talking to Jes Jen and you.
Old age, who needs it?

Jes said...

Ha ha mum,
Bradman does look all growed up! Pretty spesh when they get teeth - can eat everything!
Mum, I will have to google a wheel chair, hearing aid (all the old age stuff) for your next birthday! LOL

The Candid Bandit said...

LOL@ googling wheelchairs. You guys have a knack for making me have exploding laughs.

That's a really great idea mum. Luckily I speak double dutch so I under custumbled.

Jan said...

He is very cute and NOW he is very cute 'with cute little teeth'.

Yeah I agree - they look sooooo different when they first have teeth.

Congratulations and good luck to Mat. With the luck that you have for winning stuff Beck, some is bound to rub off and I can see you both jetsetting off to Vegas or Paris!!!