Sunday, August 13, 2006

Blog Tips & Tricks

I'm writing this to attempt to make everyone's Taylor Talk navigation a little easier. If you have any questions, hopefully this will answer them, if not email me and I'll try to help that way.

I really recommend you to read this as it might teach you a few things you never knew!

From the Top
McBlog was created by Beckie McClure in an attempt to bridge the gap with the Taylor family. Especially now that the younger generation are starting families of their own.

Family Calendar (side bar)
A way of seeing what's on & when. Please click here to add any special events to the calendar. Let's not just add birthdays, if you have a major event coming up - let us know about it! Is your cat due to have kittens? Going on holidays? Booked in to get a vasectomy?....

Visits to This Site Counter
This counts how many times the web page has been opened and doesn't factor in that 50 of those may have been from the one computer (I may or may not be guilty of this....)

Recent Comments List (side bar)
Sometimes people go back through older posts and leave comments and we may miss them. At a quick glance you can see who has commented since your last visit. You can click on the person's name to see their profile, or click on the date to see what post they wrote on. Note: This list isn't always 100% up-to-date but it is pretty accurate. Blogger hasn't perfected this yet.

Taylor Talk Photo Album Button (side bar)
This nifty is simple and thought of by Jen (and a few of us). Every picture we post on Taylor Talk, gets uploaded into a simple yahoo photo album account. At this point, we are saving them under the year, rather than singular families. So if you are searching for a picture, but can't remember who posted it, or when it was posted, simply click the button and it will take you straight to the album.

Saving Photos (from any post)
Click your mouse on the picture to get the larger version. Then hover your mouse over the picture, right click and choose 'save picture as'. Choose a destination in your computer and voila! Saved!

Leaving Comments (bottom of each post)
To leave a comment, go to the bottom of the written post and click on the word 'comments'. Write you comment in the box provided then sign in using your blogger user name so we know you wrote it! :-) We really encourage you to leave a comment for your family members when they post. You'd like it if they comment for you wouldn't you?

Creating Your Own Post
Click the 'create a post' button in the top left hand corner. Log into Blogger using your user name and password. Click 'Taylor Talk' --------> 'posting' ------> 'Create'.

I really suggest you click here and see all the questions and answers about posting and editing your posts! It is a really great source of knowledge!!!

Users Online Counter (side bar)
Pretty self explanatory. This will show you if anyone else is online at the same time as you! p.s. you are 1.

Contributers List (side bar)
This is a list of those family members who have accepted their invitation to be able to post on Taylor Talk. If you would like to be included, please leave a comment for Beckie with your email address. Any family members are welcome to post!!

Previous Posts List (side bar)
A quick and easy way to get to a post if you remember it's title. If the post title isnt listed, try checking the archives.

Archives List (side bar)
All Taylor Talk posts are archived at the end of the month. If you are searching for a specific post, try to remember what month it was then search in that month's archive.

Searching For Something Specific?
Try this!! Go to the very top of Taylor Talk. Above the banner is a bar with a search box in it. Type a word or phrase in the blank box, then click 'search this blog' and it will take you straight to that post.

Once again, let me remind you that, once this post is off the main page you can find it again by clicking on the 'tips and tricks' button in the top right hand corner of the side bar.
If you have questions, click comments and leave them below.
Love 'n' blogging,

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