Monday, January 07, 2008

Hi from Bendigo

I' ve got a couple of pictures from Bendigo neck of the woods. Grab a cuppa, sit back and enjoy. :)

I could not get a great picture of our Xmas tree. It is 8 feet tall!!!!! It was absolutely astonishing and had optical fibres so when you turned it on, it was this beautiful, twinkling tree. This picture makes it look little though. I had to stand on the table to get a full shot.

Our favourite decoration was bubs hand made (pardon the pun) reindeer. Being the pregnant sook I am, I cried when his day care handed it too me. TOO CUTE!

Again, I really couldn't capture how sweet this tree was. But you get the picture and I'm sure you're over Xmas already. Right?
On Xmas eve eve, we ventured out into the ICY (I kid you not! We were rugged up in 4 layers of jumpers and blankets! ) weather to watch the Carols by Candlelight at Lake Weeroona. It was gorgeous. Nothing warms my heart more than Xmas carols. Bubs face was lit up watching and listening.

Every time a song would finish, he would bellow (this kid is a foghorn) "MORE SINGING?"
By the end of the night, as I was putting him in his car seat, bub started frantically saying "Bye Santa, Bye Santa BYE SANTA..." I looked up and sure enough, there was Santa leaving the lake right across the road from us. He was so excited. Again, I had a little cry at the beautifulness of the moment. He had a smile that was infectious!

On Christmas Day, his daddy decided not to go to Melbourne but to cook for his new partner and her son so I was fortunate enough to go and see my baby boy. It really meant alot to me to be with him on Christmas day. This picture was taken at his daddy's farm.

For those of you who haven't met Scott yet, this is him on Xmas day.

On Boxing Day when bub came home I had a few stray presents from different people. This was him opening a few pressies at home. His favourite is a little Hot Wheels car that Scott's parents bought him. Makes stacks of noise and goes fast. It's all a boy needs really.

On New Years Eve we vegged at home under the air conditioner. It was TOO hot to breathe outside. So I chucked a cheap hair dye in and we ventured out to see the fireworks.

Yes Bradman is drinking a traditional raspberry drink. Call Mother of The Year Awards!

Around 11.45 (yes bub is still awake). ... we met up with friends in the main park in town.
Scott and bub ran through some sprinklers and then we walked to find a spot where we could all sit down and enjoy the fireworks. We got one of the best viewing spots in town I think. On the grass just below the set off point.

This is taken after their wrestling match. I think Scott took it the hardest.

We thought this would be a good idea. Wrong. From left, Ails, Ness, myself and bub.

My darling boys. (can't find my red eye reduction program).

From the second the fireworks started, my wee man covered his eyes and wouldn't watch. The moment they were finished he was saying "More? More?" Fickle boy.

I was pretty damn tired by the time the fireworks finished. Bub and Scott were ready to party though!
So we made it home and had bub in bed asleep by 12.30am then we all slept in til 10.30am.
We've spent the past few days inside because of the weather. It so ridiculously hot. I've seen a few heavily pregnant women recently who have that look of "I'm going to die" as they slowly walk along and all I could think of was "I'm so glad I'm having a winter baby"
What did you get up to for New Years?

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