Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Our Weekend Away

I have these photos all around the wrong way....dammit!
When we got to the hospital the coordinator told us it was a double celebration. Aunty Vera and another lady Gussy were both celebrating their 100th birthdays. (Gussy's was a few weeks ago) What is in that water in the Barrossa Valley?? We might all have some, a? Nah...not me...I hurt too much and I'm not even 50 yet!

This first photo is of Aunty Vera and Gussy.
What a pair of characters! We think they will be around for a few more years yet as they are both sharp as tacks. Don' t you think Gussy looks like she is only about 80???

Next one is of Aunty Vera and her son Mark Peter ( who is know to us as Peter) and Mum

The last photo is of Aunty Vera holding her certificate of recognition from the hospital. She has her letter from the prime minister and the opposition leader of south australia and is awaiting her letter from the Queen and Mr Wran.
So a good day with sandwiches, fruit and cake and lemonade. We all behaved ourselves and didn't have to much to drink!
We left there about lunchtime and made a crooked beeline for home. No we didn't get lost....much.


Jan said...

Terrific - thanks Suzi. They both look really good. Auntie Vera looks a bit brighter than when Mum and I went to see her in Oct/Nov 2006.

Suzi said...

She was as bright as a little button and extreamly well too. There was about 20 invitees (older patients) and they were all very close to the edge, god bless them, and these 2 were the eldest maybe by 20 odd years and had all their facilties and everything. Vera keep saying "oh theres a bit of a turn out here isn't there? and I don't know what all the fuss is about, it's just a birthday" Hey if i make it that far there had better be a BIG bloody fuss. ha ha

The Candid Bandit said...

They do look like a pair of characters! Peter and nan look very well too.

Thanks for posting this mum!