Saturday, December 09, 2006

Oh What a Night

Hi All

Just thought I'd post a few pickies from our night last night. I arrived home on Friday to surprise Mamma, Dad and Nik for a little visit. Al couldn't come with me cause he's working
:( but I've had a great time at home and last night we all had such a great time. The charity night at the golfie was aimed at raising awareness for depression and the alarming rate of suicide and stigma that accompanies this disease. It was a great night and Pete Robinson did an amazing job, check out the website. He rode all the way from Sydney to Melbourne to raise more awareness! Here are some pictures...

Nik, Chem, Lise with Matt King (Melb. Storm Player)

Nik and Lise

Sneaking into the motel pool (Very hot after our 3am power walk from the pub to home!

1 comment:

The Candid Bandit said...

Terrific pictures, thanks Lise.

Peter is fabulous, I got to catch up with him in Melbourne late last year and he is a really wonderful speaker.

After struggling with Post Natal depression recently, I TOTALLY support the need to lift the stigma and the misunderstanding of depression.