Monday, December 25, 2006


Pop back in later today for some pictures of our Xmas!

T'was the night before Xmas and all through the house,Bradman was sleeping as quiet as a mouse.

The men playing bocce whilst the women kicked ass,men blamed it on age, gender and grass.
The webber cooks slowly with a lamb and a chook, Brock tenders the barby like a savvy young cook.

With beer a flowin' and baileys on icewe heard some bottom noises, not once, but twice.
Its was oh' so casual, no-body was suited, our snags were sauced and our beets were rooted.

So here's to the day, when fat santa arrives,we'll wake to the baby, wiping sleep from our eyes.
Can we open our presents? Who's got the plum pud? It's Aussie, it's hot but geez our Xmas is GOOD!

We are having a beautiful, relaxing time here in Mildura. Plenty of laughter and lawn bocce.
Scrap the last line in the poem, it is FREEZING here right now and Bradman woke with a little cough. What is with this weather. When we arrived it was boiling hot and we had to play under the sprinklers and now we are searching ed3a5tqxedd5ggtfor jumpers and long pants to warm ourselves up.

Wishing you and your family a wonderful and Merrrrrrrry Fristmas.

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