Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Some Pictures from the weekend

Lachie, Bradman, Brock & Michelle

Bradman and I drove to Mildura this weekend to spend time with Mum and Dad, Brock & Shell (it was Jeremy McClure's wedding) and while we were there got these pictures!

Above: Bradman with Uncle Brock

Below: Lachie & Suzi dancing at Jeremy & Julie's Wedding

Let me tell you a story about mum and I shopping. We shop well together. Mum had bought a few outfits (with tags left on) for the wedding and really was undecided. She woke bright and fresh on Saturday morning and off we went to the fabulous, newly renovated Mildura plaza to see what we could see...

We walked past a shop and a rack was out the front with new stock. "Mum, this would be perfect! It's you!" . Mum agreed and walked straight in to try it on (picking up another cute dress on the way.

When she walked out my mouth dropped. SUPER flattering, figure hugging, amazing shape, bit of boob, great length and well... it was just the perfect dress for her.

The sales girl and I didnt need to convince mum. First shop. First dress. Just right. So then we went in search of matching BLING and shoes. Everything came together in about 30 minutes and we walked out very happy.

Michelle and mum got ready and straightened their hair while I drove dad to Mat McClures house so he could get ready with the wedding party. The first time I have ever seen my papa in a beautiful three peice suit. He looked so handsome but it was a 36degree day and the poor men were melting.

By the time I arrived back to Brock and Shells house, Mum walked out on the verandah swishing her hair playfully and again, my mouth dropped. I've never seen her look so beautiful and happy.

Mum, none of these pictures did you the justice you deserve. You looked stunning!! Perfect dress, PERFECT shoes, Perfect bling-bling and a glowing smile to go with it. As dad said, you knocked his socks off.

Below: Annie dancing with her dad Jeremy (for those of you that know Annie and Sally - Sally has a 5 mth old son now and bought a stunning & HUGE homestead with her partner in Renmark, Annie is 4 mths pregnant with her first child. Annie and her husband Jules live in Adelaide)


Jan said...

Lovely pictures Beck. Ann reminds me of Amy in this photo. Having said that, I haven't seen Amy since they moved from Broken Hill years ago.

Did you have any pictures of yourself at the wedding? Did any of the family from QLD come to the wedding?

The Candid Bandit said...

No Aunty Jan, I wasnt invited to the wedding, but I knew family would all be in Mildura so I packed the car and took the opportunity to see the fam!

Annie is alot like Amie actually.