Saturday, November 11, 2006

I'm Back!

Hi there!

Well Al & I have arrived back from two weeks in sunny QLD feeling refreshed and tanned (well I am anyway!). The wedding was gorgeous and Al & I loved staying with Nik & Az. There was lots of catching up and loads of wine drunk but had an absolute ball. Saw Dreamworld, Steve Irwin's zoo, Mooloolaba (Sunshine coast - absolutely beautiful!) and loads of Brissy's sights. Have put some photos for you all to see and check out Summer, she looked absolutely stunning.
Was able to check out the Ipswich Hospital as well and was really impressed, all going to plan I start there on the 19th of February. Look out we come!

Lise and Alastair

Nikki and Aaron

Alastair and Summer

Nik and Lise


Suzi said...

You all look absolutly fabulous!
Please tell Summer I said Hi ( and Nik too). I love her pretty is that.
Bet 'cha can't wait till Febuary, Lisa. Nik will be counting the days too, I suppose. Be great for her to have a big sister close by, and I suppose your folks will be visiting qld frequently too.
Love to you all

The Candid Bandit said...

You all look terrific! I think its the first time I have seen Aaron and Alastair too.

Now you know why we spent nearly every family holiday (sometimes twice a year) on the Sunshine coast Lise. All dad's family (cept one or two) live from Maroochydoore to Caloundra. My cousin Amie has a fabulous funky streetwear shop in the main street there. I also spent alot of time living with Scott on Kings Beach in Caloundra.

Sunshine Coast hinterland is spectacular too (hot tip) and very swanky in places.

Can you tell I miss the place (dont miss the weather)

Thanks for sharing the pictures! Say hi to Nik for me?