Thursday, September 14, 2006

The IV

Hi All

Well I had the was actually with the Neonatolgy Unit (pre-term, sick bubbies). I didn't actually apply for the job so don't know how or why they had my resume but I had the interview but in all honesty I think it is too specialised area for me to go straight into. SO.....I have asked to be put back into the general pool for New Grad RN's so I should hear something soon. In one way it was good to be selected for a job which requires a heap of skills and that RN's with a heap of experience are eligible for so am happy with my application but we'll just wait and see and hopefully I'll get a medical/surgical/emergency placement which is want I want to do.

Anyhoo will keep you all informed and up to date.

Over and Out.


PS. Happy Birthday Heidi (if she's online yet!!)


Jan said...

She isn't on yet Lisa - had a another crazy week racing to and from uni with major stuff due and than worked last night. She signed up an did her presentation for today's class last Friday. The plan is to go for a champagne breakfast with Jess this morning after a sleep in. After that I think she plans to begin creating material for her next presentation which involves taking some photos with the new digital camera. Ummmm they could be interesting as she rarely drinks alcohol!!!

I will try and get her to sign up and log on to get her birthday messages today or it could be days.

She is going out tonight with her flatmates and friends to a different, popular restuarant in the city. Got to book way in advance. Tomorrow night another girl is having her birthday - a dinnr at her families home than they are all going out.

Heidi and Jess have tickets to see Placebo at the entertainment centre on Monday night.

I think she is going to be feeling very fatigued all of next week!!

Jan said...

Congratulations on being selected for the interview even if it was for the wrong one.

Wellll I dunno - all of the places sound daunting to me Lisa!!!

Good Luck getting chosen in the next on for an interview.

Jes said...

That baby job sounds interesting Lise.

How about to take it and work there for a couple of years then come home.... we certainly need a baby specialist here!

I am sure Cobarites would second that - hey Kerry!