Friday, September 01, 2006

Help Out

Hi There

Just a quickie this afternoon ... firstly to congratulate David and Bridgett on their upcoming wedding...that's great news guys...and secondly to ask if everyone reading could consider donating some blood. At work today (In theatre) we discovered that all areas across Australia are desperately short of blood and in some cases people with life threatening conditions (including those with extremely low Hb's like Pop) are being forced to delay or cancel their procedures +/- transfusions. In some cases there was only 30 hours remaining before the blood bank was completely out of O+ blood and today it just shouldn't happen!

Anyhooo....point to my story let's donate because we never know when we or our loved ones will need a top up of blood. A scary stat for you today's society over 75% of people will require blood or blood products throughout their lifetime. Just a thought, it only takes 30mins and a tiny little needle....

Anyway wishing you all a happy and healthy weekend.


PS. Any news on the McBell Bubby?!


Jen said...

HI Lise,
I was going to donate blood, but i can't until i'm not pregnant anymore! It is a scary thought, because you just don't know when someone will need it...
No news on this little one...
If i haven't gone into labour on my own by next Thurs (7th sept) i will be induced. I'll keep you all posted.. Love Jen

The Candid Bandit said...

Good post Lise.

I would love to give blood also. Ok, maybe 'love' is a strong word. HAHA

I never see the 'blood bank' vans anymore. Where do we donate?

Can I donate when I'm on Thyroid meds?

Jan said...

Yes Lisa I agree that is why I was a blood donor in Tamworth. I also believe strongly in being on the bone marrow register. Unfortunately I am one of those people who is a headache for the people trying to draw blood. After the last couple of 'blow outs' and left with lots of bruising I decided that I would be best to find something else to give. I am sure the nurses were happy about that too!! I did still remain on the bone marrow register for years but with anemia this year I decided to remove myself from that for now too. What about the rest of the family?????