Saturday, August 26, 2006

Lions and Tigers and Bears

Lachie, Dani and I drove to Adelaide on Thursday evening and got there a bit late because we drove for 2 hours through dust and our visability was about 20 metres. Dam hard to see because it was so thick that our lights were bouncing back at us and to top it all off it was also sprinkling. We looked very dirty and from the bush by the time we drove into the big smoke.
On Friday, Lachie took himself off to a conferenceand Dani and I went to the zoo. The information bay gave Dani a map to look at on her way around and I thought she would pass it over to me to read and plot our journey. Oh no, apparently she can read maps....I kid you not....she was referring to the map everytime we turned a corner......"oh, now where are we now"

The weather was very dull, so almost every animal was asleep or just missing. ( A bit poor I thought but Dan loved it) The childrens petting zoo section was all asleep under heat lamps....didn't they know that we paid good money for them to come out and play?

Oh well off the the Lions and Tigers and Bears.

We didn't see any tigers and the lions were asleep behind a rock and the highlight was the big lion lifting his head up high and looking at Dani and licking his lips and yawning! How rude! The least he could have done was let out a loud roar. (she would have pooed herself if he had)

We did see a beautiful black bear but he was asleep too.

We waited for the giraffes to venture out of the very tall houses and eventually one did. Dan was soooo excited obout this that she was squealing with joy. Good to see he/she wasn't asleep too.

At this stage my photos are doing their own thing and sitting up the top of this post. Bugered if I know how to move them down here.

On with the show then, The photo of the 'smiling pygmy rhino was another highlight because apart from smiling at Dan it apparently 'winked' at her too.

And then we were finished and I thought to myself, whoops Jen and Beck are going to go right off because I didn't take enough photos. Oh well. I needed desparetly to get back to my motel and have a sleep!!!! Which I am going to do right now, cause my other photos have attached.


Jan said...

A very funny story to go with the pictures Mumma.

The Candid Bandit said...

I loved the pictures! Especially Dani with her map.

What an exciting adventure. Boooooo @ the sleeping animals.