Friday, August 18, 2006

Home, Sweet Home

Here I am in sunny Broken Hill with mum, dad, nan & Bradman. It took me two days to get here (with a lovely stop over at Brock & Shell's gorgeous new home) but it was a lovely trip.

Mum and I are heading to Cobar early Saturday morning, where I'll finally get to meet Riley! I still haven't met Jes & Ben's son Riley yet, so I'm very excited about that!

I think our stop over in Cobar won't be terribly long cause we still have a few more hours to get to Dubbo that night. Jess, you should jump in with us! :-)

I'm not sure how long we will be there for and when mum has to be back in the hill but I think it's a bit of a breeze in- breeze out, trip. We'll be bringing the devine Miss Dani back with us too I hope.

So Jen - hopefully bub will decide to come while we are there!

I can't wait to see everyone!

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